BASB400 series of sheet filter uses filter sheet as the filter medium and is a small-volume, high-precision filtration device. The liquid which has been initially filtered and whose concentration value meets the specified requirements can be further purified. According to the performance of the filter sheet, clarification filtration and sterile filtration can be achieved. The diatomaceous earth can be pre-coated on the filter sheet to achieve higher filtration requirements. The filtration clarity can reach 99.9%, and the turbidity after filtration (EBC) can reach 0.3 or less. This device is generally used in conjunction with the pre-filter. The product has innovative structure, convenient mobility and easy operation. The filter plate is made of reinforced polypropylene, resistant to acid and alkali corrosion, non-toxic and long service life. This device is made of stainless steel frame. The device specifications are shown in the table.
This device is mainly recommended for precision filtration or sterilization filtration of beer,wine, liquor, beverage, various oils, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and similar liquids. 


 Technical specification